Archery (1/16 Elimination Round)
* Men Individual Compound : I Gusti Nyoman Puruhito - Bye
* Men Individual Compound : Kuswantoro - Bye
Archery (1/8 Elimination Round)
* Men Individual Recurve : Mohammad Ali Sofian vs Mark Pinili Javier 108-107
* Men Individual Recurve : Hendro Suprianto vs Abdul Dayyan Mohd Jaffar [SIN] 109-103
* Women Individual Recurve : Novia Nuraini - Bye
* Women Individual Recurve : Wendy Tan Liu Jie [SIN] vs Ika Yuliana Rochmawati 84-97
* Men Individual Compound : Leong Fong Ting [MAS] vs I Gusti Nyoman Puruhito 109-112
* Men Individual Compound : Kuswantoro vs Heng Fook Hup Vinson [SIN] 109-113
* Women Individual Compound : Dellie Threesyadinda vs Lilies Heriarti 114-110
Archery (Quarter Final Round)
* Men Individual Recurve : Cheng Chu Sian [MAS] vs Mohammad Ali Sofian 111-104
* Men Individual Recurve : Hendro Suprianto vs Hoang Ngoc Nhat [VIE] 108-102
* Women Individual Recurve : Novia Nuraini vs Ika Yuliana Rochmawati 103-99
* Men Individual Compound : Muhammad Zaki Mahazan [MAS] vs I Gusti Nyoman Puruhito 115-117
* Women Individual Compound : Dellie Threesyadinda vs Hla Hla San [MYA] 114-115
* Finals Female 5000m : Triyaningsih 15.56.79 (Gold Medal)
* Finals Female 5000m : Unik Setyorini 18.15.00 (5th)
* Finals Female Triple Jump : Maria Natalia 13.31m (Bronze Medal)
* Finals Female Discus Throw : Dwi Ratnawati 50.63m (Gold Medal)
Badminton (1st round)
* Mens Singles : Boonsak Ponsana [THA] vs Simon Santoso 19-21 18-21 (50min)
* Mens Singles : Muhammad Hafiz Hashim [MAS] vs Sony Dwi Kuncoro 12-21 21-19 14-21 (54min)
* Womens Singles : Maria Kristin vs Fu Mingtian [SIN] 15-21 22-20 21-17 (62min)
* Womens Singles : Adriyanti Firdasari [2] - Bye
* Mens Doubles : Hendra Setiawan/Markis Kido [1] - Bye
* Mens Doubles : Bona Septano/Mohammad Ahsan [4] vs Nuon Sophorn/Teav Yongvannak [CAM] 21-13 21-7 (20min)
* Womens Doubles : Shendy Puspa Irawati/Meiliana Jauhari [3] - Bye
* Womens Doubles : Greysia Polii/Nitya Krishinda Maheswari [2] - Bye
* Mixed Doubles : Nova Widianto/Liliyana Natsir [1] - Bye
* Mixed Doubles : Devin Lahardi Fitriawan/Lita Nurlita [4] - Bye
Beach Volleyball
* Women Team : Chanaloun-Pany [LAO2] vs Ayu-Devota [INA1] 26-24 21-14 (43min)
* Women Team : Efa-Yokbeth [INA2] vs Shunting-Teck Hua [MAS1] 13-21 24-26 (38min)
* Semifinals Female 8 Ball Pool Single : Angeline M Ticoal vs Esther S Y Kwan [MAS] 5-2
* Finals Female 8 Ball Pool Single : Rubilen Amit [PHI] vs Angeline M Ticoal 5-1 (Silver Medal)
* 3rd Position Male 8 Ball Pool Single : Ricky Yang vs Dechawat P [THA] 7-1
* Semifinal Female 48kg Light Fly Weight : Milvady [LAO] vs Selly Wanimbo (Bronze Medal)
* Semifinal Female 51kg Fly Weight : Indra Sambaimana vs Somphone [LAO]
* Semifinal Female 54kg Bantam Weight : Duan Thi Lien [VIE] vs Welmi Pariama (Bronze Medal)
* Semifinal Female 57kg Feather Weight : Yunike Busira vs Ngo Thi Chung [VIE] (Bronze Medal)
* Final Women 116.1 KM Massed Start (Individual) : Santia Tri Kusuma 03:36:34 (5th)
* Final Women 116.1 KM Massed Start (Individual) : Yanthi Fuchianty 03:36:34 (8th)
* Final Women 116.1 KM Massed Start (Individual) : Dahlina Rosyda 03:36:38 (15th)
* Final Women 116.1 KM Massed Start (Individual) : Nurhayati 03:36:43 (18th)
* Final Men 160.3 KM Massed Start (Individual) : Ryan Ariehaan H 04:09:01 (8th)
* Final Men 160.3 KM Massed Start (Individual) : Kaswanto 04:09:02 (10th)
* Final Men 160.3 KM Massed Start (Individual) : Samai 04:17:00 (21th)
* Final Men 160.3 KM Massed Start (Individual) : Tonton Susanto DNF (23rd)
* Final Men Individual : Yuniarto B 281-3rd (Bronze Medal)
* Final Men Individual : Adiyandono R 300-24th
* Final Men Individual : Hardjito 301-25th
* Final Men Individual : Erio C 307-28th
Pencak Silat
* QuarterFinal Male Class E 65-70kg : IKM Wahyu P vs Md Kifli Hj Hamzah [BRU]
* SemiFinal Male Class C 55-60kg : Pujo Janoko vs Mohd Islahidayat [MAS]
* SemiFinal Female Class D 60-65kg : Ni Nyoman Supraniti vs Bouaphay [PHI]
* SemiFinal Male Class D 60-65kg : Saifuddin Julami [SIN] vs M. Sodik
Monday, December 14, 2009
Match Result of Sea Games 2009 (Indonesian athletes only)
25th SEA Games, Laos. Vientiane 2009 SPORT DISCIPLINES

Wushu also known as modern wushu or contemporary wushu, can be classed as an exhibition and a full-contact sport. Modern wushu is composed of two disciplines: taolu and sanda. Taolu is a combination of gymnastics and martial arts.
Competitors are judged and given points on their movements which include stances, kicks, punches, balances, jumps, sweeps and throws. Wushu was first incorporated into the Asian Games in 1990.
List of Events: On the program of the 25th SEA Games, Laos. Vientiane 2009
* CHANGQUANS (Long Fist, Board sword play, cud get)
* NANQUANS (Southern Fist, Southern Cudgel play)
* TAIJIQUANS (Taijiquan & Taijijian)
* DUILIAN (Barehand and weapon)
* SANSHOU - 45 Kg
* SANSHOU - 48 Kg
* SANSHOU - 52 Kg
* SANSHOU - 56 Kg
* SANSHOU - 60 Kg
* SANSHOU - 65 Kg
* CHANGQUANS (Long Fist, Board sword play, cud get)
* NANQUANS (Southern Fist, Southern Cudgel play)
* TAIJIQUANS (Taijiquan & Taijijian)
* DUILIAN (Barehand and weapon)
* SANSHOU - 45 Kg
* SANSHOU - 48 Kg
* SANSHOU - 52 Kg
* SANSHOU - 56 Kg
* SANSHOU - 60 Kg
a. Competition Site
The competition will be held at Hall 1, Lao ITECC, First floor.
b. Training Site
Training venues will be provided at Hall 1, Lao ITECC, First floor.
The Training schedule for each team will be given upon the arrival.
Competition Venue

Hall 1 LAO ITECC, Second Floor
Lao international Trade Exhibition and Convention Center (Lao ITECC) is the single largest venue in Lao PDR, (located 10 minutes from the heard of Vientiane ), with a total area of 30,000 sq. meters it comprises a main complex with over 1,000 parking spaces, a pavilion overlooking a beautiful lotus pond and the newly added two-storey golf driving range adjacent to the main complex.
25th SEA Games, Laos. Vientiane 2009 SPORT DISCIPLINES

Wrestling is the act of physical interaction using strength between two people. Each person attempts to gain an advantage over, or control of, the other. Physical techniques used in wrestling are clinching, holding and locking. Wrestlers try and Avoid techniques likely to cause injury. Many styles of wrestling are known all over the world and have long histories.
Wrestling has been made into various forms used for both sport and entertainment purposes. Wrestling was first incorporated into the Asian Games in 1954.
List of Events: On the program of the 25th SEA Games, Laos. Vientiane 2009
* Men/Women Up to 50 kg
* Men/Women Over 50 kg up to 55kg
* Men/Women Over 55 kg up to 60 kg
* Men/Women Over 60 kg up to 66 kg
* Men/Women Over 66 kg up to 74 kg
* Men/Women Over 74 kg up to 84 kg
* Men/Women Over 84 kg up to 96 kg
* Men/Women Over 96 kg up to 120 kg
* Men Up to 50 kg
* Men Over 50 kg up to 55kg
* Men Over 55 kg up to 60 kg
* Men Over 60 kg up to 66 kg
* Men Over 66 kg up to 74 kg
* Men Over 74 kg up to 84 kg
* Men Over 84 kg up to 96 kg
* Men Over 96 kg up to 120 kg
Competition Schedule: : On the program of the 25th SEA Games, Laos. Vientiane 2009
The schedule is subject to change upon the number of the participants.
This schedule is subject to change depending of the number of participants.
The Medal Presentation in each day will be awarded after Finals of all categories are completed.
a. Competition Site
The competition will be held at Booyong Gymnasium, National University.
b. Training Site
Training venues will be provided at Booyong Gymnasium, National University.
The Training schedule for each team will be given upon the arrival.
Competition Venue

Booyoung Gymnasium National University.
National University of Laos (NUOL) is a university in Vientiane, the capital of Laos. Founded in 1996, with departments brought in from other existing colleges, it is the only national university in the country. National University of Laos (NUOL) has 11 faculties, 7 centers and central library operating in different campuses where Dong Dok is the head quarter and the office of the president.
Indonesian Athletes that won medal at 25th Sea Games 2009 until 14 December

^ Men 56 kg : Jadi Setiadi [Gold]
^ Women 58 kg : Lisa Rumbewas [Gold]
^ Men 62 kg : Eko Yuli Irawan [Gold]
^ Women 63 kg : Okta Dwi Pramita [Gold]
^ Women 69 kg : Sinta Darmariani [Silver]
^ Men 69 kg : Triyatno [Gold]
^ Women above 69 kg : Novi Yanti [Bronze]
TOTAL : Gold (5); Silver (1); Bronze (1)

^ Men Individual Kata : Faizal Zainuddin [Gold]
^ Women Kumite 50 kg and below : Martinel Prihastut [Silver]
^ Women Kumite 55 kg and below : Nur Hadiyanti F [Bronze]
^ Men Kumite 60 kg and below : Donny Dharmawan [Bronze]
^ Women Kumite 61 kg and below : Puspita Triana G [Bronze]
^ Men Kumite 67 kg and below : Jintar Simanjuntak [Silver]
^ Men Kumite 84 kg and above : Umar Syarief [Gold]
^ Men Kumite 84 kg and below : Hendro Salim [Silver]
^ Women Team Kata : Indonesia Team [Bronze]
^ Men Team Kata : Indonesia Team [Gold]
^ Women Team Kumite : Indonesia Team [Bronze]
^ Men Team Kumite : Indonesia Team [Bronze]
TOTAL : Gold (3); Silver (3); Bronze (6)

^ Men 100m : Suryo Agung Wibowo [Gold]
^ Men 100m : Fadlin [Bronze]
^ Men 400m Hurdles : Zulkarnain Purba [Silver]
^ Women 5000m : Triyaningsih [Gold]
^ Women Discus Throw : Dwi Ratnawati [Gold]
^ Women Triple Jump : Maria Natalia [Bronze]
TOTAL : Gold (3); Silver (1); Bronze (2)

^ Men 40 km Individual Time Trial : Ryan Ariehaan H [Gold]
^ Men 40 km Individual Time Trial : Tonton Susanto [Silver]
^ Men Cross Country : Dadi Nurcahyadi [Bronze]
^ Women Down Hill : Risa Suseanty [Gold]
^ Men Down Hill : Popo Ariyo Sejati [Gold]
TOTAL : Gold (3); Silver (1); Bronze (1)

^ Men 100m Backstroke : Glenn S Victor [Gold]
^ Men 100m Breaststroke : Indra Gunawan [Silver]
^ Men 100m Butterfly : Donny B Utomo [Silver]
^ Men 200m Breaststroke : Indra Gunawan [Bronze]
^ Men 200m Butterfly : Donny B Utomo [Silver]
^ Men 4x100m Freestyle : Indonesia Team [Bronze]
^ Men 4x100m Medley Relay : Indonesia Team [Gold]
TOTAL : Gold (2); Silver (3); Bronze (2)

^ Men Bantam Weight Over 58 kg & Not Exceeding 63 kg : Mery Wandra [Gold]
^ Women Feather Weight Over 53 kg & Not Exceeding 57 kg : Nurul Fadlilah [Silver]
^ Women Fin Weight Not Exceeding 46 kg : Fransisca V [Silver]
^ Women Heavy Weight Over 73 kg : Catur Yuni R [Bronze]
^ Women Light Weight Over 57 kg & Not Exceeding 62 kg : Rahadewineta [Silver]
^ Men Light Weight Over 68kg & Not Exceeding 74 kg : Yulius Fernando [Bronze]
^ Men Middle Weight Over 80 kg & Not Exceeding 87 kg : Rizal Samsir [Bronze]
^ Women Poomsae Individual : Lessitra [Bronze]
^ Men Poomsae Individual : Daniel Danny [Bronze]
^ Women Poomsae Team : Domas Ayu Kirana, Laras Fitriana, Lessitra [Bronze]
TOTAL : Gold (1); Silver (3); Bronze (6)

^ Men 10m Platform : Muhammad Nasrullah [Silver]
^ Women 10m Platform (Sync) : Della Dinarsari/Sari Ambarwati [Silver]
^ Men 10m Platform (Sync) : Noor Husaini/Muhammad Nasrullah [Gold]
^ Women 3m Springboard (Sync) : Maria Natalie Dind/Sari Ambarwati [Silver]
^ Men 3m Springboard (Sync) : Noor Husaini/Jam Jami Akhmad [Bronze]
TOTAL : Gold (1); Silver (3); Bronze (1)

^ Men 10m Running Target : Yoshie Augusta [Bronze]
^ Men 10m Running Target Team : Indonesia Team [Bronze]
^ Women 50m Rifle Prone : Erlinawati [Gold]
^ Women 50m Rifle Prone Team : Indonesia Team [Silver]
TOTAL : Gold (1); Silver (1); Bronze (2)

^ Men's Team : Indonesia Team [Gold]
^ Women's Team : Indonesia Team [Silver]
TOTAL : Gold (1); Silver (1); Bronze (0)

::Pencak Silat::
^ Men Ganda : Hamdani/M Yusuf E [Gold]
^ Women Tunggal : Ni Luh Putu S [Bronze]
TOTAL : Gold (1); Silver (0); Bronze (1)

::Billiard & Snooker::
^ Women 8 Ball Pool Single : Angeline M Ticoal [Silver]
^ Men 8 Ball Pool Single : Ricky Yang [Bronze]
^ Men 9 Ball Pool Double : Muhammad Zulfikri/Ricky Yang [Silver]
^ Men Cushion Single (Carom) : Tan Kiong An [Bronze]
TOTAL : Gold (0); Silver (2); Bronze (2)

^ Men's Team : Indonesia Team [Bronze]
^ Women's Team : Indonesia Team [Silver]
TOTAL : Gold (0); Silver (1); Bronze (1)

^ Men Duilian (With Weapon) : Aldy Lukman/Johannes Bie [Silver]
TOTAL : Gold (0); Silver (1); Bronze (0)

::Sepak Takraw::
^ Mens Hoop : Indonesia Team [Bronze]
^ Mens Team : Indonesia Team [Bronze]
^ Womens Hoop : Indonesia Team [Bronze]
^ Womens Regu : Indonesia Team [Bronze]
TOTAL : Gold (0); Silver (0); Bronze (4)

^ Women 48 kg Light Fly Weight : Selly Wanimbo [Bronze]
^ Women 54 kg Bantam Weight : Welmi Pariama [Bronze]
^ Women 57 kg Feather Weight : Yunike Busira [Bronze]
^ Men 75 kg Middle Weight : Nasruddin [Bronze]
TOTAL : Gold (0); Silver (0); Bronze (4)

^ Men Individual : Yuniarto B [Bronze]
TOTAL : Gold (0); Silver (0); Bronze (1)

::Table Tennis::
^ Mens Team : Indonesia Team [Bronze]
TOTAL : Gold (0); Silver (0); Bronze (1)

::Water Polo::
^ Men Team : Indonesia [Bronze]
TOTAL : Gold (0); Silver (0); Bronze (1)
GRAND TOTAL : Gold (21); Silver (21); Bronze (36) - (78)
25th SEA Games, Laos. Vientiane 2009 SPORT DISCIPLINES

Weight-lifting is a sport in which participants attempt to make a single lift of a maximum weight of a bar loaded with weight plates. The two lifts currently competed are the clean and jerk and the snatch. Weightlifting requires a combination of power, speed, technique, concentration and timing. Super heavyweight lifters normally claim the title of World's Strongest Man or Woman.
However, kilo per kilo, the lightest weightlifter is often the strongest. Weightlifting was first incorporated into the Asian Games in 1951.
List of Events: On the program of the 25th SEA Games, Laos. Vientiane 2009
* Men's 56kg
* Men's 62kg
* Men's 69kg
* Men's 77kg
* Men's 85kg
* Men's 94kg
* Men's 105kg
* Men's +105kg
* Women's 48kg
* Women's 53kg
* Women's 58kg
* Women's 63kg
* Women's 69kg
* Women's 75kg
* Women's +75kg
Competition Venue
Pornsawan Gymnasium, Pornsawan School and Vientiane Capital City.
Medal Tally of 5th East Asian Games Hongkong 2009 until 13 December 17:15
1. China 113-73-46 : 232
2. Japan 62-58-70 : 190
3. Korea Republic 39-45-59 : 143
4. Hongkong 26-31-53 : 110
5. Chinese Taipei 8-34-47 : 89
6. Macau 8-9-12 : 29
7. Korea DPR 6-8-11 : 25
8. Mongolia 0-4-16 : 20
9. Guam 0-0-1 : 1
2. Japan 62-58-70 : 190
3. Korea Republic 39-45-59 : 143
4. Hongkong 26-31-53 : 110
5. Chinese Taipei 8-34-47 : 89
6. Macau 8-9-12 : 29
7. Korea DPR 6-8-11 : 25
8. Mongolia 0-4-16 : 20
9. Guam 0-0-1 : 1
25th SEA Games, Laos. Vientiane 2009 SPORT DISCIPLINES

Water Polo is a sport played in the water with a ball. It is based on a similar game, polo. The objective of the game is to get the ball into the goal more than the opposing team. Water polo is a team game. Two teams play a match, which consists of four periods named quarters. The length of each period is usually between 5 to 8 minutes, but because the amount of time spent on fouls or out throws is not counted in the quarter time, an average quarter lasts around 12 minutes 'real time'. Each team consists of six field players and one goalkeeper. Water polo players need to be skilled in swimming, ball handing skills, reflexes and awareness.
List of Events: On the program of the 25th SEA Games, Laos. Vientiane 2009
* Men's Team Event
* Women's Team Event
Competition Venue

Aquatic Center, National Sports Complex
The Laos National Sports Complex is located about 16 KM from the centre of Vientiane City and comprises a 20,000 seating capacity main stadium, a 2,000 seating capacity indoor aquatics complex, with a outdoor warm-up pool, a Tennis centre consisting of 2,000 seating capacity centre court plus 6 other tennis court, two indoor stadia each with seating capacity of 3,000 and a indoor shooting range with 50 seats. An archery centre constructed in the open space next to the shooting range.
25th SEA Games, Laos. Vientiane 2009 SPORT DISCIPLINES

Volleyball is a two team sport. Each team has six players and are are separated by a high net. Each team tries to score points against one another by grounding a ball on the other team's court over the net but in compliance with the games rules. The team who wins the point then serves. The complete rules of volleyball are extensive. However in summary, points are awarded if: the ball touches the ground outside the court area and/or the ball touches the ground on the opponents' team's side of the net.
The ball is usually played with the hands or arms, but players can push the ball with any part of the body. Volleyball is usually played indoors but numerous variations of volleyball have developed such as beach volleyball. Volleyball was first incorporated into the Asian Games in 1958.
Competition Venue

Gymnasium 2, National Sports Complex
Indoor Volleyball : Gymnasium 2
Beach Volleyball : Beach Volleyball Stadium
The Laos National Sports Complex is located about 20 Km from the centre of Vientiane City and comprises a 20,000 seating capacity main stadium, a 2,000 seating capacity indoor aquatics complex, with a outdoor warm-up pool, a Tennis centre consisting of 2,000 seating capacity centre court plus 6 other tennis court, two indoor stadia each with seating capacity of 3,000 and a indoor shooting range with 50 seats.
25th SEA Games, Laos. Vientiane 2009 SPORT DISCIPLINES

Tennis is a sport played between two players which is known as singles or between two teams of two players known as doubles. Each player uses a strung racket to strike a hollow rubber ball covered in felt over a net into the opponent's court.The opponent will try to return the ball; it is allowed to bounce once before it is returned. If the ball bounces twice then the player who hit the ball before it bounced twice will get the points.
Tennis can be played on grass, clay or other courts either inside or out. Tennis was first incorporated into the Asian Games in 1958.
List of Events: On the program of the 25th SEA Games, Laos. Vientiane 2009
* Men's Team
* Men's Singles
* Men's Doubles
* Women's Team
* Women's Singles
* Women's Doubles
* Mixed Doubles
a. Competition Site
The competition will be held at the Tennis Court, National Sport complex.
b. Training Site
Training venues will be provided at the same as competition site.
The Training schedule for each team will be given upon the arrival.
Competition Venue

Tennis Court, National Sport complex.
The Laos National Sports Complex is located about 16 KM from the centre of Vientiane City and comprises a 20,000 seating capacity main stadium, a 2,000 seating capacity indoor aquatics complex, with a outdoor warm-up pool, a Tennis centre consisting of 2,000 seating capacity centre court plus 6 other tennis court, two indoor stadium each with seating capacity of 3,000 and a indoor shooting range with 50 seats.
25th SEA Games, Laos. Vientiane 2009 SPORT DISCIPLINES
Taekwondo is one of the most systematic and scientific Korean traditional martial arts, that teaches more than physical fighting skills. It is a discipline that shows ways of enhancing our spirit and life through training our body and mind. Today, it has become a global sport that has gained an international reputation, and stands among the official games in the Olympics.
Taekwondo was incorporated into the Asian Games in 1986.
List of Events: On the program of the 25th SEA Games, Laos. Vientiane 2009
* Men FIN WEIGHT Not exceeding 54 kg
* Men FLY WEIGHT Over 54 kg and not exceeding 58 kg
* Men BANTAM WEIGHT Over 58 kg and not exceeding 63 kg
* Men FEATHER WEIGHT Over 63 kg and not exceeding 68 kg
* Men LIGHT WEIGHT Over 68 kg and not exceeding 74 kg
* Men WELTER WEIGHT Over 74 kg and not exceeding 80 kg
* Men MIDDLE WEIGHT Over 80 kg and not exceeding 87 kg
* Men HEAVY WEIGHT Over 87 kg
* Women FIN WEIGHT Not exceeding 46 kg
* Women FLY WEIGHT Over 46 kg and not exceeding 49 kg
* Women BANTAM WEIGHT Over 49 kg and not exceeding 53 kg
* Women FEATHER WEIGHT Over 53 kg and not exceeding 57 kg
* Women LIGHT WEIGHT Over 57 kg and not exceeding 62 kg
* Women WELTER WEIGHT Over 62 kg and not exceeding 67 kg
* Women MIDDLE WEIGHT Over 67 kg and not exceeding 73 kg
* Women HEAVY WEIGHT Over 73 kg
* Men Poomsae Individual
* Men Poomsae Team
* Women Poomsae Individual
* Women Poomsae Team
* MIXED PAIR (one man + one woman)
a. Competition Site
The competition will be held at Booyoung Gymnasium National University.
b. Training Site
Training venues will be provided at Gymnasium Futsal Training Centre.
The training schedule for each team will be given upon the arrival.
Competition Venue

Booyoung Gymnasium National University.
National University of Laos (NUOL) is a university in Vientiane, the capital of Laos. Founded in 1996, with departments brought in from other existing colleges, it is the only national university in the country. National University of Laos (NUOL) has 11 faculties, 7 centers and central library operating in different campuses where Dong Dok is the head quarter and the office of the president.
Taekwondo was incorporated into the Asian Games in 1986.
List of Events: On the program of the 25th SEA Games, Laos. Vientiane 2009
* Men FIN WEIGHT Not exceeding 54 kg
* Men FLY WEIGHT Over 54 kg and not exceeding 58 kg
* Men BANTAM WEIGHT Over 58 kg and not exceeding 63 kg
* Men FEATHER WEIGHT Over 63 kg and not exceeding 68 kg
* Men LIGHT WEIGHT Over 68 kg and not exceeding 74 kg
* Men WELTER WEIGHT Over 74 kg and not exceeding 80 kg
* Men MIDDLE WEIGHT Over 80 kg and not exceeding 87 kg
* Men HEAVY WEIGHT Over 87 kg
* Women FIN WEIGHT Not exceeding 46 kg
* Women FLY WEIGHT Over 46 kg and not exceeding 49 kg
* Women BANTAM WEIGHT Over 49 kg and not exceeding 53 kg
* Women FEATHER WEIGHT Over 53 kg and not exceeding 57 kg
* Women LIGHT WEIGHT Over 57 kg and not exceeding 62 kg
* Women WELTER WEIGHT Over 62 kg and not exceeding 67 kg
* Women MIDDLE WEIGHT Over 67 kg and not exceeding 73 kg
* Women HEAVY WEIGHT Over 73 kg
* Men Poomsae Individual
* Men Poomsae Team
* Women Poomsae Individual
* Women Poomsae Team
* MIXED PAIR (one man + one woman)
a. Competition Site
The competition will be held at Booyoung Gymnasium National University.
b. Training Site
Training venues will be provided at Gymnasium Futsal Training Centre.
The training schedule for each team will be given upon the arrival.
Competition Venue

Booyoung Gymnasium National University.
National University of Laos (NUOL) is a university in Vientiane, the capital of Laos. Founded in 1996, with departments brought in from other existing colleges, it is the only national university in the country. National University of Laos (NUOL) has 11 faculties, 7 centers and central library operating in different campuses where Dong Dok is the head quarter and the office of the president.
25th SEA Games, Laos. Vientiane 2009 SPORT DISCIPLINES

Swimming is a technique used to move through water using only movements of the body. Swimming is an ancient discipline. Swimming is a method for survival in water. This exercise had been acquired by men in the prehistoric days when they had to cross rivers and lakes. Swimming got the status of sport event in early 19 th century.
List of Events: On the program of the 25th SEA Games, Laos. Vientiane 2009
* Men's 50m Freestyle
* Women's 50m Freestyle
* Men's 100m Freestyle
* Women's 100m Freestyle
* Men's 200m Freestyle
* Women's 200m Freestyle
* Men's 400m Freestyle
* Women's 400m Freestyle
* Men's 1500m Freestyle
* Women's 800m Freestyle
* Men's 100m Backstroke
* Women's 100m Backstroke
* Men's 200m Backstroke
* Women's 200m Backstroke
* Men's 100m Breaststroke
* Women's 100m Breaststroke
* Men's 200m Breaststroke
* Women's 200m Breaststroke
* Men's 100m Butterfly
* Women's 100m Butterfly
* Men's 200m Butterfly
* Women's 200m Butterfly
* Men's 200m Individual Medley
* Women's 200m Individual Medley
* Men's 400m Individual Medley
* Women's 400m Individual Medley
* Men's 4 x 100m Freestyle
* Women's 4 x 100m Freestyle
* Men's 4 x 200m Freestyle
* Women's 4 x 200m Freestyle
* Men's 4 x 100m Medley Relay
* Women's 4 x 100m Medley Relay
a. Competition Site
The competition will be held at Swimming Pool, National Sports Complex.
b. Training Site
Training venues will be provided at the Chao Anouvong Stadium, Vientiane Swimming Pool and National Swimming Pool (Sports Complex).
The Training schedule for each team will be given upon the arrival.
Competition Venue

Swimming Pool, National Sports Complex.
The Laos National Sports Complex is located about 16 KM from the centre of Vientiane City and comprises a 20,000 seating capacity main stadium, a 2,000 seating capacity indoor aquatics complex, with a outdoor warm-up pool, a Tennis centre consisting of 2,000 seating capacity centre court plus 6 other tennis court, two indoor stadia each with seating capacity of 3,000 and a indoor shooting range with 50 seats. An archery centre constructed in the open space next to the shooting range.
25th SEA Games, Laos. Vientiane 2009 SPORT DISCIPLINES
Table-Tennis is sometimes referred to as ping pong due to the sound the ball makes when it hits a surface. It is a sport which can be played by two or four players like tennis. The players hit a lightweight, hollow ball to each other using 'bats'. The game takes place on a hard table divided by a small net.
Players must allow a ball played towards them only one bounce on their side of the table and must return it so that it bounces on the opposite side. Table tennis was first incorporated into the Asian Games in 1958.
List of Events: On the program of the 25th SEA Games, Laos. Vientiane 2009
* Men's Team
* Men's Singles
* Men's Doubles
* Women's Team
* Women's Singles
* Women's Doubles
* Mixed Doubles
a. Competition Site
The competition will be held at Convention Hall, National University.
b. Training Site
Training venues will be provided at the same as competition site.
The Training schedule for each team will be given upon the arrival.
Players must allow a ball played towards them only one bounce on their side of the table and must return it so that it bounces on the opposite side. Table tennis was first incorporated into the Asian Games in 1958.
List of Events: On the program of the 25th SEA Games, Laos. Vientiane 2009
* Men's Team
* Men's Singles
* Men's Doubles
* Women's Team
* Women's Singles
* Women's Doubles
* Mixed Doubles
a. Competition Site
The competition will be held at Convention Hall, National University.
b. Training Site
Training venues will be provided at the same as competition site.
The Training schedule for each team will be given upon the arrival.
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